Message from the Head

Welcome to the Department

department stands at the forefront of technological advancements, driving innovation across a broad range of industries. From power systems and renewable energy to communication networks and advanced electronics, Electrical and Electronic Engineering is a discipline that continues to shape the future of modern society.

Our mission is to equip students with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to thrive in today’s competitive world. We provide a balanced and dynamic curriculum that blends core engineering principles with emerging technologies such as smart grids, IoT, and automation. Our state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities foster an environment of discovery, enabling students to engage in real-world projects that address global challenges.

The department takes pride in its highly qualified faculty, whose expertise and research contribute to both academic excellence and societal impact. Through a blend of rigorous academic training and hands-on experience, we aim to produce graduates who are not only technically proficient but also equipped to lead in their respective fields.

I encourage you all to take advantage of the resources and opportunities that our department has to offer, and to embark on a journey of learning, innovation, and leadership.

Dr. Mahesh Singh(HOD)
Phone Number: 9800160633
Email Address: [email protected]