Prof. Jyotendra Nath (Faculty)


Prof. Jyotendra Nath

Assistant Professor,
Chemical Engineering

9608793365   |   [email protected]

B.Tech in Chemical Engineering BIT Sindri, Dhanbad, Jharkhand
M.Tech in Chemical Engineering IIT Madras, Chennai, Tamilnadu
Ph.D in Chemical Engineering NIT Srinagar, J&K
Subject Expertise
Chemical Engineering
Area Of Research
Wastewater Treatment, Hydrogel, Nanotechnology, Response surface methodology, Membrane, 3D-printing,
List Of Publications
1. Nath, J., Kumar, S. and Kumar, V., Response surface methodology-based modeling and optimization of fenugreek gum-based hydrogel for efficient removal of malachite green dye. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023, 1293, 136234
2. Kumawat, Y.K., Nair, A., Choudhary, S., Nath, J., Sharma, K., Rasool, T., Sharma, V., Mishra, Y.K. and Kumar, V., Novel hydrogel based on natural hybrid backbones: optimized synthesis and effective adsorbent for the removal of malachite green dye from an aqueous solution. Journal of Polymer Research, 2024, 31(5), 1-24.
3. Ansari, A.I., Sheikh, N.A., Kumar, N. and Nath, J., Three-dimensional printed silk fibroin and fenugreek-based bio-composites scaffolds. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications, 202414644207241241156.
4. Nair, A., Kumawat, Y.K., Choudhary, S., Nath, J., Sharma, K., Rasool, T., Sharma, V. and Kumar, V., Malachite green dye adsorption from wastewater using pine gum-based hydrogel: Kinetic and thermodynamic studies. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2023, 1295, 136671.
5. Nath, J., Sharma, K., Sehgal, R., Kumar, S., Sharma, V., Sehgal, R. and Kumar, V., Polysaccharide-based superabsorbent hydrogels. In Polysaccharides-Based Hydrogels, 2024, 265-305, Elsevier.
6. Nath, J., Singh, V.P., Sehgal, R., Kumar, S., Kumar, V. and Sehgal, R., Utilization of magnetic nanoferrite-based photocatalysts for elimination of organic pollutants from wastewater. In Magnetic Nanoferrites and their Composites 2023, 317-350, Woodhead Publishing.
7. Nath, J., Sharma, K., Kumar, S., Kumar, V. and Sehgal, R., Polymer/carbon nanocomposites for biomedical applications. Polymeric and Natural Composites: Materials, Manufacturing and Biomedical Applications, 2022, 109-150.
8. Nath, J., Sharma, K., Kumar, S., Sharma, V., Kumar, V. and Sehgal, R., Electrospun Nanofibers for Wastewater Treatment. Electrospun Nanofibers: Fabrication, Functionalization and Applications, 2021, 87-117.
9. Nath J., Sharma K., Kumar S., and Kumar V., Ionotropic cross-linking methods for different types of biopolymeric hydrogels, Amit Kumar Nayak, Md Saquib Hasnain, (Eds), Ionotropic Cross-linking of Biopolymers: Applications in Drug Delivery, Publisher: Elsevier.
10. Nath, J., Kumar, S. and Kumar, V., Fabrication of acrylic acid crosslinked hydrogel of fenugreek: Synthesis, characterization and adsorption of crystal violet (Submitted).
Conference Attended (National/International)
International Conference on Polymers for Advanced Technology February 23-25, 2023, Goa, India
I-STEM “AWARENESS PROGRAMME” May 23, 2022, NIT Srinagar, India
Material Processing & Advanced Functional material Characterization Techniques, May 30 – June 5, 2022 (STUTI), NIT Srinagar, India
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