
The cell is utilizing the facilities of the college like conference halls equipped with home theatres, LCD projector, laptops, desktops, laser printers, handy cam, digital camera, etc.

  • Training & Placement Cell

It is fully air-conditioned and it provides the infra-structural facilities to
conduct group discussions, tests and interviews besides catering to other

  • Seminar Halls

It is fully air-conditioned and is suitable for meetings, seminars, concerts,
presentations and performances. The hall is fully equipped with state-of
the-art audio-visual devices providing services such as video conferencing,
a sound system and audio-visual material. It can cater the need for
presentations, GD/PI in the phase of placement process.

  • Digital Class Rooms

Ventilated and ergonomically designed class rooms with projectors. It can
fulfil the need for pen-paper based exam in the phase of placement process.

  • Computer Centre

Computer centre presently has around 200+ computers with Online UPS
facility, connected into LAN providing internet access. It can cater the need
for online exam in the phase of placement process.