Message From The Head


Chemical Engineering is known to be most versatile among all the engineering disciplines. One can study and research on drug delivery, reaction pathways in cancer cells to material development for heat shields and liquid fuels for missile technology. Traditionally we understand phenomena of transfer of heat and mass which takes place with the help of momentum and chemical reaction that follows (or prelude) it. Studying chemical engineering opens to you a whole gamut of industries to work for, e.g. petroleum refining and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, materials, non-renewable and renewable energy, paints and plastics, environment and pollution control, etc.

Joining the Department of Chemical Engineering at RRSDCE BEGUSARAI as faculty members and students and visiting us will open up your vision for quest for knowledge, nurturing talent, team work, and what not, which all of us thrive for betterment of society!

Prof. Rohit Kumar (HOD)                                                                                                            Phone No. – 8171922422                                                                                                              Email – [email protected]