
The Department’s long term vision is to become a world leader in technology areas of energy, environmental protection, novel materials and healthcare. The Department has been prolific in these areas and has done noteworthy research on the topics of materials development for energy generation and storage, catalysis and multiphase reactor engineering, process intensification in non-renewable and renewable energy sectors, modeling and simulation from molecular to process scales, and bioprocessing related to the pharmaceutical industry.

We would like to build on our strengths and strive for national and international presence in these areas by continuing our research and technology development initiatives, and further strengthening our bachelors, masters and doctoral programs. We expect that these endeavors will not only attract superior faculty, but will provide and create an enabling ecosystem for students to explore, innovate and smoothly transition into the professional arena. The Department would like to build focused research programs networked with industry, institutions, universities and government agencies.

We would like to develop/co-develop effective and affordable technologies scripting joint IPR in partnership with industry, or through consortia leading to spin-offs. The Department strives to promote a technology temperament in society at large, especially to young minds through extensional activities via technology enhanced video and web based distance learning courses, creation of virtual laboratory and resource centres, and participating in policy making and public debates.


The foremost mission of the Chemical Engineering department at RRSDCE BEGUSARAI is to provide the best education to the brightest young minds in our country. The academic program is meticulously designed to offer a wide range courses that span from fundamental sciences to complex mathematical relationships and engineering design aspects of chemical and biological process technology. The students are rigorously trained and evaluated on a continuous basis so that they are well prepared to be leaders in whichever field they choose to pursue may it be academia, industry, technology management, entrepreneurship or working for a social cause.

Another important undertaking by the department is to maintain a vibrant research profile that truly captures the needs and changes of the modern society. We believe it is essential to perform fundamental research alongside applied studies that cater to the broader economic, societal and environmental development and growth of the country. This is achieved by hiring the best faculty across the globe and laying emphasis on problem solving through interdisciplinary research that crosses barriers across chemistry, physics, biology and materials science.